Tuesday, December 09, 2008

I Can Not Wait To Be A King


Sunday night Dec 6th, 2008, 07.30 pm, Mario Teguh (MT) in Golden Ways show on one of private television channel showed us some quotes for “I Can Not wait To Be A King” theme:

When young man wants to be a king (a leader), he will start to be a Representative of Pray Answerer, because actually a king is a representative of Pray Answerer, a representative of God. When a kid pray to God, then his mother is a representative of God. Because every mother always blessing her child and always give her kid the best. Also a king has to gift the best thing for his people.

Every young man now always wants to be a king as soon as possible, in rush, with passion, but some times with no brain. What should a young man do when he wants to be a king very soon?

  • Do the best for what you can do. You can not do the best for what you can not do.
  • You must have happiness in your hearth. The happiness is started within your family or with your spouse. A happy leader always have a happy family. There is no success leader without having happy family.
  • A king or a leader will be there where there is chaos and uncomfortable situation. The more chaos the situation is, the king is more needed there. There is no need to be a king when the situation is safe and comfortable. And also to have a right solution to solve problems, there are so many trouble and difficulties. By facing those difficulties, you will able to eliminate the problems. But when you try to escape from the problems, then the problems will be bigger in the future. So face the problems when it starts, when the problems is small. Don’t face the problems when it has already become big.
  • Falling down is a common thing, but don’t lay down for a too long. And remember, may be when we fall down, there is a deliberately bless from God to remind you for not to be arrogant. That is a sign from God that He loves you.
  • Do you want to be a small fish in a big pond or you want to be a big fish in a small pond? The answer is for the first time you should be a small fish in a big pond. You can get used to the environment and the management system from a big company. After that you can develop a small company to become the big one by using the skills, knowledge and experience from previous big company.
  • How to change an ordinary quality to become a king quality? There is rhyme that a man with one eye can be a king in a country full of blind people. It means that a king should have more abilities than others. The ability to recognize the abilities, the ability to use the abilities, and the ability to develop the abilities.
  • Pay a good attention and respect small things. Because every big things are started with small things.

You can have full explanation & enlightens from MT on his site.



i want born to be king

king kong


Wih, siraman yang sangat bagus Pak Pri. Kebetulan sekarang saya agak jarang nonton Pak Mario Teguh, main kesini ternyata ada. Dan Pak Pri menyampaikan apa yang di tontonnya secara luar biasa dan mudah dipahami. Salam super Pak Pri.


hehe..bs jd inspirasi nich...
i can not wait to be a Queen...hehe

Riema Ziezie said...

nice kak...The King must be understand people and all about for make better condition ... specialy make better his religy, caracter, behaviour and attitude


Membaca ulang postingan ini saya semakin tertarik. Do the right thing and do the thing right. Focus and do more exercises make perfect. Reduce the problem by eliminate it from the small one. Wah pokoknya semua kata-katanya bermakna sangat dalam.

Thanks Pak Pri. Salam. Sukses.

lusia said...

Hi Friend,My Blog walking.I gave u A smile.Hope you'll do the same.thanks.

astrid savitri said...

'There is no success leader without having happy family'

Jadi, kalimat semacam 'behind a great amn, there's always a great woman' itu ada benarnya juga ya..:)


and i just can't wait to be a queen :)

i do love that tv program. it's very inspirational program.

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