Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Flowers Hunter - Cibodas Dec 2nd, 2008


Being the only man in the family has turned me into a flowers lover. I do love any kind of flowers and other ornamental plants. You can name it: Aglaonema, Anthurium, Adenium, Orchid, Sansiviera, Puring, Rose, Bougenville, Euphorbia, etc. But it doesn’t mean that I own all of those mentioned. Yes, I have some of them, only a fiew.

On Nov. 29th, I went to Rindu Alam Puncak along with my friends biker. I had a wonderful time doing cycling at that time.

IMG_1571When we combined it with a tasty culinary at Gadog, it was more exciting for us. By telling the story to my wife, I got a jealousy face from her. She kept telling me that I always be a selfish when I’m doing cycling hobby. I always on the trip when the weekend comes. Well, I got caught in the act. I’m a selfish guy when I spend a large of time doing cycling.

Then I decided to take 2 days off on Monday and Tuesday (Dec. 1-2, 2008). I’d like to spend it with my family. And the first thing across in her mind is to add some more flowers and trees at the little garden we have.


Also she reminded me that Christmas is coming. She wanted to have some new colors at home to welcome our big family. Well She got her point for that, I couldn’t agree more.

The hunting time is come, and decided to go to Kebun Raya Cibodas Puncak. It was the second time for me in a week  to went to Puncak..hahaha..That’s okay, I can show her where the last cycling trip I had.

There were so many beautiful flowers & trees, you can see the pictures here


Haris said...

Wah asyik ya mas pikniknya. Bunganya indah indah

Ayik dan Ernut said...

wah, sayang aku ra mudheng boso londo Mas...intine, pemandagngan apik, blog iki juga apuikkk...salam kenal yaa....dari Ayik

Prihandoko said...

@Erik...iya mas yang paling penting kebersamaan bersama keluarganya Mas.

@Ayik...sugeng rawuh mbak, ngagem boso nopo mawon saget kok mbak...hihi...monggo

Seno said...

Wuih, bunganya indah banget. Saya juga suka bunga, tapi dirumah g ada tempat buat nanam he..he..


jadi kangen cianjur


bunga2 dimn2
makasih y udah mampir ke blogQ
salam kenal


Pak Pri,

Photonya bagus banget...


Kristina Dian Safitry said...

desain photonya keren keren bro...ajarin dong,he..he..


Bunganya memang indah banget, luar biasa.

Kalau soal foto-memfoto, tinggal jepret aja nanti juga makin mahir...saya mah baru mulai belajar njepret... hihi


Wah..baru belajar saja sudah OK punya hasilnya..gimana kalo udah lulus? :-)


Prihandoko said...

@anonymous: bisa jadi makin ancur mas...kekekekk

Cebong Ipiet said...

waaaaa ijo ijo segger banget
yg penting kebersamaan


wah jadi ngiri kehangatan kluarganya neh Kang...

Riema Ziezie said...

tante mau dikasih bunganya ... zie suka nanam bunga tapi ngerawatnya yg suka males (ga sempet ding...alasan he3) jdnya bunganya byk ditemenin gulma dan jadi bonsai ga bs gedhe..

-- said...

Wah sama mas.. Aku jg seneng bunga.
Btw, piknik di t4 yg indah bersama keluarga tersayang sunggu sangat menyenangkan ya mas..
-salam buat keluarga-

Oh iya, nanti linknya aku pasang.. Makasih atas kunjungannya :)




Asik nih jalan2.
Istriny d beliin bunga apa mas? O ya, semoga cita2 anak ny trcapai ya...
omong2 ni blog bhsa inggris tp kok komentny bhasa daerah smua ya? *cintai bhsa daerah gung, biar budaya nasional ga hilang.. Geblek*


Asik nih jalan2.
Istriny d beliin bunga apa mas? O ya, semoga cita2 anak ny trcapai ya...
omong2 ni blog bhsa inggris tp kok komentny bhasa daerah smua ya? *cintai bhsa daerah gung, biar budaya nasional ga hilang.. Geblek*


pencinta bunga yah, mas? aku jugak! tapi ternyata aku tidak bertangan dingin, jadi belum berjodoh klo nanem bunga. hehehe...


Nature indeed always made astonishment to us.
Seems you have a happy family there.


@Cebongipiet: hooh mbak Ipiet, katanya biar dapat quality time...meski sebentar tapi bermutu...gitu ya kira2

@Gus: monggo dipercepat kang...uenak lho!!! aku berani garansi!!...halah...opo tho iki...aku dewe yo ora mudeng

@Ziezie: Gimana kalau gulma ditaruh di pot tersendiri, mungkin akan jadi bagus Tan, aku mau cobain ah,,kali aja bagus

@Hellen: maturnuwun Mbak

@Welly: Hi...salam kenal juga, you're always welcome here

@AiWY: Monggo kerso ...boso nopo mawon kulo tampi...iya nih lagi belajar English, habis malu sama anak TK & SD yang sudah pandai berbahasa Inggris...tapi sy ngga lupa bahasa daerah lho

@Caroline: biasanya pecinta bunga adalah pecinta alam, dan pecinta alam juga biasanya penyayang...jadi mbak caroline = penyayang...betul khan?

@Love-ely: Definitely Ely. I'm learning to have a happy family.

Niar said...

nice to see your pict in Rindu Alam puncak..
I have to go there, but it was many times ago...I remember it become so crowd in new year

Niar said...

surely you can add me on your link,
keep good connection ^-^

Ninis said...

Waaaa... kapan yaaaa bisa mengunjungi Puncak?? *mupeng*

Sejuk, seger, adhem, nyaman ya kalo liat foto2nya.. cocok deh buat rekreasi keluarga :) Anak2 emang harus sering2 diajak ke lingkungan yang masih bersih udaranya..

Nahhh, semoga next family member is "cowok", biar komplit :)


@Niar: thanks Niar

@Ninis: Doakan ya mbak, biar gantengnya ada yang nyaingi, ngga enak ah masa ganteng sendirian.

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