Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Art of Change


Many times I read & wrote about changing in life, changing in work, & changing in behavior. But do we really need that changing? A question that strike me in sudden. Almost for the last 3 years I’ve been considering to change some things in my life. Here are the reasons why I need changing:

  • What does God want me to be?
  • What does God want me to do?
  • I’m a dynamic person who hate being static.
  • The world is changing all the time
  • I want to improve my life quality.
  • I want to give the best for my family
  • I’m a father now, I need to be a role model for my daughter
  • I need more income to get more things
  • I’m a married guy, I’m not a bachelor anymore
  • I want to add more skill & knowledge
  • The more I study, the more foolish I am
  • I like new things
  • I like variations
  • I can not do the same thing all the time
  • I can not do all the things for my self and by my self
  • I need to have social life
  • I’ll improve my life for God
  • I must leave my sins behind
  • I should leave bad environment behind
  • I hate corruption
  • I’m doing my obligation
  • I want more friends
  • I want to have more experiences
  • I want to go to Europe
  • I want to have more picnics with my family
  • I want my money works for me
  • I want this, want that, need this, need that, be like this, be like that, and much more…….

So now am I sure to change?...DEFINITELY!!!!…I CHOOSE TO HAVE CHANGING.

Yes this is an option for me which has so many consequences & sacrifices.

Tina Su encourages me to do so.

Time For Change, a Motley Crue lyric

I heard some kids telling me
How theyve lost all the faith in the way
Theyve been talking world peace
And the wars in the streets
The lines on their faces so deep
A revolution, or reach out
And touch the day
Were overdue child

Now its time for a change
Nothing stays the same
Now its time for a change

I feel the future in the hands
Of our youth will be safe
No more lies
Old, tired fools tell our future
With tarot cards, and lie of crime
The lines on their faces so deep
A revolution, or reach out
And touch the day
Were overdue child
Now its time for a change
Nothing stays the same
Now its time for a change
Ill change
Ill change
Not tomorrow but today

Now its time for a change
Nothing stays the same
Now its time for a change

I’m also supported to change my life by my Guru ; Anthony Robbins who said

“If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten”.


Miss G said...

I like this, it is so true, we need changes, actually we are changing from time to time, we grow, therefore our needs will also change with that process.

WHITEShadow said...

I believe the only constant in this world is changes. But it's good that we are trying to evaluate our lives and look for something better. Setting goals is very important, it can lead you to where you want and bring you to things you try to pursue. This life is a quest, a race, and a challenge. Nice post.
Thanks for visiting my blog. You are very much welcome.

astrid savitri said...

Perubahan adalah satu hal yg gak terhindarkan..ini bukan masalah apakah Tuhan menghendakinya atau tidak, tp lebih pd bhw Tuhan telah menciptakan satu hal bernama perubahan supaya kita selalu menjadi lebih baik setiap hari.

Shamelle said...

A good call for action. Your blog really inspired me...

Enhance Life

Ninis said...

Wish you & your family all the best in every change :)


@ -G-, WHITEShadow, Astrid, Shamelle, Ninis: seems to me that all us agreed on one thing : Changing is a must, we can not avoid that. Is up to us whether to have a better changing or the worse?
Thanks for your comment.

Riema Ziezie said...

thats question for me too...specially in ending year 2008 to new year 2009 ... we must change our life move to the best action for the best life

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