Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lesson #30: Kid’s Handwriting


Audrey draws and writes anytime, and of-course anywhere, including at the wall…Do you remember when I wrote her talents previously?

The scratches made by Audrey on the wall have been inspired me to learn how to accompany her in making a good handwriting.

let’s learn together…..

“Even as we move to a society driven by keyboards, kids still need to learn to write by hand. Handwriting is so much more than simply putting letters on a page; it is a key part of learning to read and communicate. In fact, experts think that developing writing skills reinforces reading skills and vice versa. In order to read, a child needs to understand that letters stand for sounds and that the sounds are put together to make words. Learning to write letters is an important part of this understanding.”

further more…

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I have a baby (2 years) and she like observing the letters-toy.

WHITEShadow said...

I have lots of nephews and nieces and in as much as possible we don't want them to engage in electronic stuff so they have to learn basic things on the first hand, and writing is on of them. I think if you let kids to explore what they can do, you will discover that they only don't have talents, they are gifted.


Salam kenal, thanks for sharing the information. I have a small kid who is eager to learn writing alphabets too.

astrid savitri said...

Adit, anak lelaki saya yg umurnya 5,5 thn masih belum tertarik menulis, menggambarpun tak telaten..tapi kemampuan baca-nya melebihi kawan2 sekelasnya. Sementara Sekar sebaliknya. Tapi buat saya enggak masalah, apapun yg mereka sukai saat ini akan terus saya dukung sebisanya.

You're so lucky to have Audrey as your daughter, mas Pri.


Njenengan tmsk org yang bahagia Kang...punya 'lelucon' yang bernama Audrey

Ida BorneoLove said...

my own writing has gotten so bad lately. too many typing,less writing (on paper!).

Miss G said...

Keponakan saya yg nomor dua sekarang usianya tiga tahun dan dia sudah bisa menulis karena ikut2an kakaknya. Cukup kaget juga waktu dia menunjukkan tulisan tangannya, karena si kakak lebih dahulu bisa membaca baru bisa menulis, sedangkan adiknya ini dia menuliskan rangkaian huruf yang dilihatnya ditulis oleh kakaknya.

Anak2 itu sangat menakjubkan!


Bahagianya memperhatikan perkembangan kemampuan Audrey. Udah belajar nulis nih. Titip salam buat Audrey.


Terima kasih mas Pri atas pencerahannya

Riema Ziezie said...

tok tok maaf nih bang lama zie hiatus ...btw p kbr abang sekeluarga moga baik ya...btw PR dari Abang zie dah posting..wah zie jd dpt ilmu parenting nih...thanks alot bang

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