Friday, January 23, 2009

Keep The Flame

flames Someone greeted me this morning to have a wonderful day, and to have the best result for my job. He is so kind, and I should thank him for the hopes and the prays he made for me. In few minutes after that, a boost of spirit came and struck me hardly, and I realized that it’s the time for me to change my old habits. It’s the time for new and upgraded habits.

Starting with warmer kisses to my wife and Audrey, I hope I can give them warmer loves and attentions to them, we will have warmer affection to each other. We will give the best to each other, and we will receive all the bless together.

I have so many smiles to share to everybody today, I have so many ideas to do today, I have so many thoughts to share to my mates today. Everyday, I’ll fill my life with passions. I should enjoy my days like no more days tomorrow.

Hopefully my new habits will last forever for a better life and better environment.

Do you want your spirit to light up your days?…check this out:


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Iya mas, saya pernah membaca bahwa ciuman seorang inu/istri saat anaknya atau suaminya akan berangkat sekolah/kerja, sangat mempengaruhi semangat anak dan suaminya

Btw, Belum jadi mas, kacamatanya. Setiap 2 jam saya istirahat dulu dari depan komputer. Namun iritasinya sudah berkurang


Your post is very interesting, i have bookmarked your blog for future referrence

Miss G said...

Good morning mas Pri and have a GREAT day ahead.. so have you kissed your wife (passionately) and daughter this very morning?


Very inspiring post...thx and have a nice day :)

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