Monday, January 05, 2009

The Hates Are Still There

hates War, chaos, killings, and slaughtering are the opening news for the new year. Israel is seeking Hamas people to be punished for their bombing to Israel’s area, the fights are still going on now. We also still have the remaining issues in 2008. What happen in Palestine is just the same with what happen in Zimbabwe and other African countries where conflicts are everywhere. Human’s life is getting cheaper and cheaper now. Killing is easily done by people now. People are loosing the empathy and respect for other’s life. Not forget to mention the mutilation cases which recently discovered. Sadism are the famous word nowadays.

The fights between two nation are a big picture of the fights in a family. They have something in common, they have hate in between. For sure they don’t have love in between. Off course when they have love there will be no war anymore. The sad thing is that sometimes hates is produced by a poor of communication. The love is supposed to be communicated among people. Communication of love is not only about talking, but also about real actions. Just like in a family where hates are there between husband and wife, between parent and the children, between brother and sister; there will be no peace in daily life in a house.

Just imagine if a world is just like a family, who has the same father and mother: Adam and Eve. If the human kind living in a world which is considered as a home; if everyone behave like they care to each other, no matter how many differences they have, I think we will have a harmony we called a peace. May be it is only a dream, but at least we can keep that dream and we can try and do some little things for that dream. Start from understanding ourselves, understand that we can not live by ourselves, we need somebody else to live with, we are a human with so many weaknesses, we need others to help us. No body is perfect, there is no people who has everything, there is nobody who has supremacy on the other’s life.

The next little thing to do is start to realize that we and the others are created by God to live in the same home; the world. There supposed to be a basic rule for us to remember that everybody is different in any means, but it doesn't mean that we can not live together in the same roof. We must consider the differences as the gift from God, so we can use it to strengthen each other. We must not ruin our own home, we must care for it as our own house. We don’t have the ‘home’ for our selves only. The home is also for everybody.

It’s just a simple thought to have a better relationship in human kind.


Yudhi Gejali, dr. said...

Yes sir!
We have to love each other!
But love is just impossible if "ego" still there.


mas pri, berhubung bahasa inggris-q acak2an, jadi ijinkanlah aq ber-bahasa kalbu ajah...... sebenernya kenapa sih sesama manusia aja kok sering ribut, berantem bahkan saling membunuh???? toh gak ada yang abadi di dunia ini....... karena semua yang berjiwa pasti akan kembali....... nha kalo gitu ngapain repot2 sampe harus ada yang jadi korban???? seperti kata Gus Dur : gitu aja kok repoooottt......

Miss G said...

Nah sama postingan macam ini saya setuju sekali, ga latah memaki-maki satu pihak, banyak kok perang terjadi dimana-mana, bahkan di 'halaman belakang' rumah kita ini sendiripun perang berlangsung, hehehe.. yang tertindas di tanah ini apakah lebih kecil artinya dibandingkan dengan mereka yang penderitaannya di zoom-in di koran2 dan televisi itu? Enggak toh?

Tapi kok kita kurang 'emosional' ya kalo melihat penderitaan saudara2 sebangsa sendiri, bahkan penderitaan tetangga sendiri?

Bukannya saya mengecilkan arti perang di sana, tapi kalo menurut saya emosi kita itu terlalu dibesar2kan mengingat kekerasan semacam itu terjadi tiap hari diseluruh pelosok dunia. Harusnya kita marah dan tergerak setiap hari, dan mungkin ada baiknya seperti Mother Teresa, 'kemarahan' kita terhadap ketimpangan membuat kita justru tergerak dengan kasih untuk menanggulangi dan mengurus mereka yg paling tak terurus, itu kan termasuk melibatkan diri secara nyata dalam 'perang' yg tak kelihatan secara fisik padahal sama dahsyatnya dengan perang fisik, hehe..

Jadi jgn cuma akibat sentimen sepihak gitu loh trus teriak2, pdhl kalo ditempat lain yg sama penderitaannya tidak ada lirikan atau perhatian luarbiasa pdhl peristiwanya sama-sama luarbiasanya.

Nah kalo saya berani ngomel di sini, karena saya salut sama postingan semacam ini.

Tikno said...

Great post!
The hate feeling is something difficult to be overcome. The conflict Israel-Palestine has been exist since the prophet epoch. That's the matter of human "ego"


Yups, semoga konflik yang terjadi segera dapat diselesaikan. Lelah saya mendengar berita2 perang dan perang lagi. Setiap awal tahun selalu ada infansi.

Tidak ada alasan yang lebih tepat pada terjadinya konflik selain alasan keserakahan.

Salam Pak Pri. Sukses selalu.

duniaaudry said...

om, titip salam bwat dik audrey..... audrey, mana blognya??? ntar kak audry maen2 yah......

Kristina Dian Safitry said...

padahal saling menyayangi tuh sebuah kedamaian.


dek, maaf ya salam nya disini ga tau kenapa disb kok ga bs2 trs..
apa kabar dek?
semoga damai dimana2 ya dek, ngga ada lagi perang dan kebencian

salam buat keluarga :)

WHITEShadow said...

This is one sad thing about our moral values, it deletes over time. Hope people would start thinking people as themselves. What's the purpose of life without love? Love is what we need and respect for other's rights and beliefs.


@Yudhi: I agree with you, thanks for supporting the existing of love

@Ika: I wish everybody has the same opinion like you Ika

@-G-: We have the same thought on that idea. Those issue is not so new for me, even it have happened from centuries ago. I always keep reminding people to share the empathy to the nearest people, no matter who and what they are.

@Tikno: You are right Tikno

@Seno: Mungkin inilah saatnya menyisihkan amarah utk kezaliman di dekat kita. Perang tidak pernah menyelesaikan masalah.

@Dunia Audry: Thanks Audry

@KDS: sudah ngga marah lagi kan mbak KDS, damai selalu ya mbak

@Laurencia: Let's share the peace everywhere mbak

@WhiteShadow: I couldn't agree more with you. Indeed, sharing the loves is about spreading the kindness and the peace to the other


Memang peperangan, kecil atau besar akan selalu meninggalkan trauma tersendiri. Pada dasarnya terjadi karena keserakahan, iri ataupun dendam

Ninis said...

Sebetulnya banyak yang mengecam perang itu!
Tapi saat ini, beberapa manusia yang kebeulan tercetak dengan cap "jahat" masih bisa menunjukkan kesombongannya dan yan dia pikir kekuatannya.
Sedangkan yang ber cap "baik" dan menginginkan perdamaian hanya bisa ngelus dada...

Semoga akan ada pihak yang MAMPU menghentikan itu semua, meskipun aku pribadi skeptis, kalo bukan keajaiban Tuhan kata damai itu bakal bisa terwujud..

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