Monday, February 23, 2009

Karepe Gusti

IMG_0010Kalau sedang susah jangan ditambahi susah – if you have difficulties in life, just don’t make them like they are  worse than it should be” , this quote I got on last Saturday, few hours after my cousin funeral who died after hearth attack the night before. After the funeral, Mas Y, another cousin of mine met my Old Man to have his advice and his bless for his life. With his gloomy and depressed face he came to my Old Man and he told so many difficulties he had in  his life after his wife past away 7 years ago.

He has 5 daughters and eleven grand kids. The eldest daughter with her 3 kids are now live in her own house, while the other 4 daughter with 8 kids are still in the same house with Mas Y. They live in 120 meter square house with 5 bed rooms. So we can imagine now how crowded their house is. Mas Y retired from his job 5 years ago, and he didn’t get any pension allowance. His sons in law don’t have sufficient income from their job, that’s why they still stayed in the same house. They can not afford to have their own house.

The difficulties are started from the economical condition, and of course from social interaction in between the big family like that. The house doesn’t have a peaceful life. Argues and fights are always there. So many problems raised over and over again. It’s really a stressful life, and it’s shown in my cousin’s face. Now he wants to sell the house and split the income into 6, and he just want one sixth of the expecting price for his own living. He has felt enough to go on current situation.

My Old Man  did not give an instant solution for his nephew. He began with telling the story of his life journey which full of struggles, sweats, pains, sicknesses and even tears. He put a large of time to tell about his 20 years illness. There were times when My Old Man felt that he rather be dead than suffering the pains of the illness. But he was told by his own consciousness that he could hear his words to say to dye; it means he wants what his want; not what The God’s wants. “Nek Gusti Allah arep mundut aku mestine saiki aku wis ora iso ngomong karo kowe, ning Gusti isih maringi aku urip, aku mesti nrimo opo sing dikarepke GustiIf God wanted to take my life at that time, I can not talk with you right now, but God is still giving me a life, then I must accept what His wants ”.

Then finally at the end of that conversation, My Old Man said that every body has his own journey, we just have to deal with it. If we have difficulties in life, just don’t make them like they are worse than it should be. Sometimes we are the one who make the problems become more difficult. It’s all about our perception. If we just can accept them as it is and not to over react, may be  we can face it and find the solution properly.

Those last sentence was just like having a power in it. The power that touch every body who listen to it. Yes, I was there at that conversation just beside my cousin. I felt like My Old Man wants to say that words to me too. He repeated those words two times to  make sure that I can hear it too, and I surely did. Somehow, My Old Man has a sensitive feeling, he knew that I have my own difficulties and he wanted that conversation moment with my cousin as a time for touching me too. I have to admitted that most of the time I over reacted in facing my difficulties; and because of that my difficulties getting bigger and bigger, and become never ending problems. I’m the one who make my own difficulties.

My Old Man then told my cousins to ask God for what he needs, he should ask God also for having His bless in facing all of difficulties he had. My Old Man also promised him that he will also ask God the same request for my cousin. Also My Old Man ask him to face his difficulties in advance, and not necessary to make it bigger nor avoiding it.

I believe My Old Man will ask God for the same thing for me, because I need that too. I believe My Old Man’s prays will always be with me. …………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………Terima kasih Bapak sudah memberkati anakmu ini.


astrid savitri said...

how wise!

bener banget mas Pri, kadang secara gak sadar kita suka berfokus pd hal2 yg belum terjadi dan gak rela membiarkan hal2 itu sebagai rencana Tuhan. Kalau pas ada masalah, saya mencoba menghindari 'nanya-nanya sendiri, jawab-jawab sendiri'..dan keluar dari roda hamster kecemasan, lantas membiarkan Tuhan yg bekerja dgn caranya yg pastinya lebih canggih. :)


Pencerahan yang bagus mas..
Kesusahan yang ada jangan dihindari, sebaiknya kita jalani dengan tetap menjaga pemikiran yang positif.

laurencia said...

wah adekku emang bijak :)
" nggelinding wae" ya dek ... :)
Tuhan berkati adek dan keluarga

Unknown said...

"“Kalau sedang susah jangan ditambahi susah" => bener bgt deh ini...
Apapun yg tjd itu hanya dari Tuhan, kita hanya bisa berdoa, berusaha dan berharap


titip salam buat bapak yaa mas :)

Miss G said...

Beautiful, mas Pri, bapak bener banget, saya sudah mmbuktikan bhw apabila sebuah masalah dibawa rileks malah jadi lebih gampang diselesaikan daripada dibingungkan ga karu2an, malah tambah membingungkan dan ga selesai2. TUHAN mmg punya rencana dalam segala sesuatu, kecil, besar, gampang, susah, senang, sedih, He's there, Dia yg memegang kendali, so often what we need to is to let go and let God handles it. He can handle it better than us.

-- said...

tull... I agree deh..
Segala sesuatu telah diatur oleh Yang Maha Kuasa, mari kita jalani dengan ucapan syukur dan ga usah dibuat susah...
Berharap pada DIA yang tahu apa yang terbaik buat kita.


tulisan ini membuat saya terhenyak dari mimpi dan menyadarkan saya pada realita hidup yang perlu diperjuangkan, dan semuanya harus tetap berpijak pada nilai-nilai reliji.

Mantap tenan....


hidup ini.. udah susah.. jangan malah di tambah susah.. makan ngga makan asal ngumpul deh... hehehe.. kok jadi kayak lagunya slank....


grouse is most easily done.
But, grateful for what we received, it is the most difficult


"Kalau sedang susah jangan ditambahi susah"

Sip.. semua itu adalah bagaimana penerimaan diri kita atas apa yang telah diberikan Tuhan kepada hamba-Nya..


mboten sumerap artinya kang mas ...


It's a nice blog. Salam kenal...


wups, lagi blogwalking ketemu ama blogger tangguh. salam kenal ya, lagi pusing neh diajak kawan ikutan kontes SEO hehee makanya mampir2 ke rumah orang.



so wise advice.....


setuju sekali bang ...kalo bisa dibikin gampang kenapa milih susah?? Karena masalah memang harus dihadapi bukan dihindari..


aku kok dadi ndredeg ya mas moco tulisanne sampiyan ... apik ... dadi kelingan alm bapakku

Vidy said...

fiyuh.. (can't say ...)

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