Monday, March 02, 2009

Monday’s Honor

Good Morning my friends, Thank God it’s Monday, Thank God for the nice weekend You gave; so I could accompany my Audrey in her time. 

I don’t do any thing related with the internet during the weekend, it’s just committed for Audrey and her mom…sorry for that, sorry for not being here when you said hi to me…

This morning I found that I’ve been awarded by my buddy Yoyo to post my recent photograph…the tag is meant to show our face to the other, so we know the person who we communicate with.

Here are the rules of this tag:

  1. Take the latest picture of your self
  2. Do not change your shirt, do not dress up your hair, just be what you are now.
  3. Post your picture without editing
  4. Put the instructions along with the picture
  5. Tag the other 10 blogger to do this

So…here I am, sitting at my table in the office at 09.30 am, wearing my Monday uniform.


Let me honor the tag to my beloved friends:

  1. Ryane (my sister who is celebrating her birthday today…Happy Birthday Sist…may God bless your journey with  health and wisdom), 
  2. Nonik who has phobic in front of camera
  3. Arief Tjahyadi – my old friend,
  4. Chairul Ridjal – another old friend of mine, 
  5. Ninis – who has a happy family and cute kids
  6. Fanny -  your blog is so colorful
  7. Putty Angelica – your music is amazing
  8. Jacobs – Khabar Baik will always be with us
  9. Yadee Blue Mad -  blue is universe
  10. Henshin555 – my new buddy

Just be happy to show your face to the world.


Miss G said...

Hihihihi.... Haloooo mas Pri, soalnya di foto itu kesannya you're looking straight at me (^_^) Smile please..

Unknown said...

mas Pri..fotonya jgn tegang gitu dong, like G said :D


hwuakakakakak...-G-, memang daku sedang menatap dikau....

@Linda, gimana ga tegang...pagi2 sudah disuruh mejeng, padahal urat bibir masih kaku nih...bisa aja nih emang Si Yoyo

Kristina Dian Safitry said...

abangku yang satu ini rajin banget ngerjain PRnya. btw, gadis rantau gk penasaran lagi deh ma sosok bang pri.


Wah jangan tegang gitu mas, nyante aja he he he

astrid savitri said...

wah, senin aja begini..apalagi kalau jumat menjelang wiken ya?? hehe..

mas pri, pe-ernya buat saya dimana sih? tak cariin gak ketemu...

RahM@D said...

sedang kerja boleh photo2 juga ya mas..
thanks ya..rajin2 mampir ya..

joe said...

salam kenal aja, selamat atas awardnya ...


selamat ya mas atas Awardnya .... suka fotonya, apa adanya , posenya juga nggak dibuat-buat ^_^


krn ada kesalahan teknis (nyambung ke cooltext) mohon pasang ulang kode banner saya di "exchange", atas kesempatan tsb saya mengucapkan terima kasih


lho mas...sambil kerja ngeblog dan posting ya..emang dibolehkan ya.. jangan2 sambil nge-blog..nge-fesbuk juga..hahaha

Yudhi Gejali, dr. said...

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