Thursday, October 30, 2008

Youth Pledge 28 October 1928

Kami poetera dan poeteri indonesia, mengakoe bertoempah darah jang satoe, tanah Indonesia.
Kami poetera dan poeteri indonesia, mengakoe berbangsa jang satoe, bangsa Indonesia.
Kami poetera dan poeteri indonesia, mendjoendjoeng bahasa persatoean, bahasa Indonesia.

We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one motherland, Indonesia.
We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one nation, the nation of Indonesia.
We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, respect the language of unity, Indonesian.

It's been 80 years since the Youth Pledge is declared by Indonesian youth. 80 years of declaration for the unity. There are so many question arise nowadays related with the declaration.

  1. Do we still have the same motherland?

  2. Do we still have the same nation?

  3. Do we still have the same language?

  4. What is your answer when somebody ask "where are you from?"

  5. What is your answer when somebody ask "what are you?"

  6. What is your answer when somebody ask "what is your nation?"

  7. Do you speak Bahasa Indonesia correctly?

  8. Do you care for others even they are different from you in ras & religion?

  9. Do you care for your culture?

  10. Do you want to eliminate your culture and replacing it with imported culture?

  11. Do you realize whose declared this country in 1928 & 1945?

  12. Do you still want Indonesia as a "home" for everybody?

  13. Do you want Indonesia as a "home" for one group only?

  14. Do you know that Education is our main problem to become a better country?

  15. Do you still insist that your own group ways is the best for the rest?

  16. Would you learn from the past?

  17. Would you learn from other country to follow their prosperity in any means?

  18. Do you want to develop East Indonesia area?

  19. Do you busy with your own 'stomach' business only?

  20. Do you support the people whose ruin the harmony of this country?

  21. Do you miss the harmony of this country?

  22. ....

  23. ....

  24. ....

  25. Would you please answer the above questions with your hearth?
(foto is taken from



Hmmm choice do i have? I never asked to be born as Indonesian anyway...hahaha...kok jawabannya gitu bgt. Ga bole dong ya.
Just give our best for Indonesia!

Prihandoko said...

Sering kita lupa siapa dan apa kita ini..mudah2an bisa sedikit teringat kalau kita pernah hidup dalam harmoni di negeri ini

tukang nggame said...

Makasih... pertanyaan tersebut menggugah kesadaran kita kembali

Riri said...

ayo pemuda majuuuu... ( bunda masih bisa dibilang pemudi nggak ya??)

Prihandoko said...

yuk maju yuk!!!!


pernah harmoni?? bisa terulang lagi nggak bos?

Prihandoko said...

kalau menilik sejarah, dulu pemuda bersatu utk memerdekakan bangsa ini..saat itu terciptalah harmoni atas dasar ketulusan berjuang utk negara ini.

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