Tonight is christmas eve, and tonight is such a sad night, instead of a happy night that it supposed to be. Tonight is the 16th night for bapak in the hospital. He has been treated in the hospital since December 9th after the 2nd stroke.
This morning a miracle was there when he could say some words quite clearly after 2 weeks of silent. He had a difficulty to speak because of the stroke. The words said this morning were "call all of my children and my wife". When I heard that call, I was just so confuse because the night before he could not use his freezing tongue to speak. I had to confirm that words to the nurse, and yes..the nurse also confirmed it. It's amazing and unbelievable.
But why he could speak clearly like that? Was it just like miracle? Or was it just a last call from bapak? When we all gathered in front of him, we know that he really can spek, and then he said that he want to go home for Christmas....My Goodness!
It made me speechless....
But we were so sorry that we could not bring him back to the home. He's still in very weak condition. He can not eat and drink through his mouth yet. He still uses a hose to his stomach for delivering the milk.
I said to Bapak that we will have the Christmas at the hospital, and this is going to be a very special Christmas for all of us.
We won't have a christmas party, but one thing for sure we will have an unforgoten moment within our family.
Merry Christmas Bapak, we love you so much.
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I. Tahun 2025: Dunia telah berubah.Kota-kota yang dulu gemerlap kini sunyi.
Tidak ada suara klakson, tidak ada obrolan di warung kopi, tidak ada tawa
di ta...
2 weeks ago
I wish your bapak return to his normal activities very soon
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