Monday, March 16, 2009

Audrey Is Almost 3 Years Old Now

3tahun Sunday morning, Audrey asked me: “Papi, take me to the swimming pool” and I said Ok at the fist moment. I didn’t do cycling this morning just to accompany my daughter, and it’s been awhile I don’t take her for swimming. This time we asked Yafi, 2 years old handsome boy; son of my neighbor buddy Beni, to come along with us. That was his first experience to go to the swimming pool and he was so exciting; shown in his smiley face.

As usual, Audrey always brought her floating balloon (buoyant). She was so cheerful on the water, so many laughs and screams were there. She can’t swim yet, but we just want her to have the excitement and by renangseeing the kids who can swim, hopefully later on she’ll have a desire to be able to swim.

The funny things happened that time when Yafi didn’t want to touch the water, even when his Pipi and Mimi carried him in their arm. He scream: “Help!!!” …..huahahahahahaha…this kid can mention that strange word for a kid at his age. His parent also didn’t know where he get that word from. We all laughed to hear that. After sometimes Yafi still didn’t want to go to the water. He just watched Audrey in the water.

3tahun4 3tahun23tahun1 3tahun3

Day by day I’ve been amazed by Audrey, she grows so fast, and she is just like an adult by the way she talks. She can talk like adults, and she can have a conversation with the adults. She able to remember and then mention every single word said by somebody else. Even now she able to express her anger by saying the precise sentences spoken by her mom when her mom angry with her.

On May, she will be 3 years old, and I decided to take her to the ‘play group’ school by that time. It is basically a pre-kindergarten school. The decision is made upon several reason. The first reason is because she has the ability to interact easily with the other kids. She can easily make friends. She also can get along with her new friends. I think this is a basic for getting socialized in school. The main activity in the pre-school is basically playing and learn a simple things; so hopefully Audrey will have good times by playing with her friends.

The second reason is that Audrey has so many curiosity related to new things. She always asks for everything. May be it’s time for her to know what the school is. Let her find out how to learn and how to absorb so many new things out there.

The third reason is to develop her creativity. The school will give her some plays which really designed to develop children’s creativity and involvements. Audrey will learn how to use her potential talents.

The fourth reason is that Me and Mommy are just a simple parent who want to have good education for Audrey. We don’t know about everything and of course we don’t know how to educate well a child. Surely we are in the process of learning how to raise Audrey, and we need the help from a school for that. It’s not just giving her to the school, but we try to add much more things beside love, affection and a very little things that we had.

I didn’t have a chance to have a pre-school in my life. When I six years old, I had elementary school directly, and I had difficult times in adapting the school. Can you believe me that I was able to read and write fluently at the third grade? Definitely I don’t want Audrey to have bad experience like her father. Every parents will give the best for their children, and I don’t want give Audrey what we wants, we just want to guide her so she will be able to decide what is the best for her self.



I hope to be a useful, .. she's very beautiful

Unknown said...

duh senangnya Audrey udh besar yak...


Wah sudah hampir 3 tahun ya mas. Semoga menjadi anak yang banyak ilmunya dan taat

Miss G said...

Hi beautiful and talented Audrey, your mommy and daddy are very very lucky to have you!

She's beautiful mas Pri! Iya, KG atw PRe-School memang bnyk gunanya kok. Audrey pasti menikmati sekolah.

Yafi itu kocak banget, pasti di filem2 kartun tuh dia belajar kata "HELP" wakakakaaa... tepat guna pula, wkwkwkwk..


ikut berdo'a mas moga audrey menjadi anak yang cerdas, dan bisa menjadi teladan...amien


@Bang Ir: thanks for your compliment
@Linda: iya Lin, luar biasa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan Audrey, terkadang aku sering ketinggalan up date
@Erik: Makasih mas utk doanya...amin
@-G-: mudah2an Audrey senang dengan sekolah barunya nanti, thanks -G-
@Yoyo: Amin Mas Yoyo, maturnuwun


Wah.. sangat lucu ya Audrey.. Satu keputusan yang tepat, pre-school mengajari anak untuk bersosialisasi dan mengaktualisasikan diri...



like father/mother like daughter I think...

laurencia said...

audrey sayang, dapet salam manis dari Andrew :)


hi audrey....... happy birthday for you....... I hope you'll be smart girl and nice doughter for your parents....... enjoy your day sweety.......


she's so cute .... wish her all the best !


selamat ultah ya dik
semoga panjang umur murah ejeki
sehat selalu, selalu dalam lindungan NYA

astrid savitri said...

Wuih! Papa yg beruntung mempunyai anak seperti Audrey (atau anak yg beruntung ya mempunyai papa spt mas Pri!)

btw; maaf udah lama gak ke sini, mas..dan belum sempat ngerjain pr-nya juga.. baru repot pindahan soalnya :) ketemu di fb lagi, mas ..


Happy to meet you again and regards for your family.

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