Monday, November 10, 2008

The Power Of A Smile

“Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” (Mother Teresa)

I see you when you smile
I thank you when you smile
I do my pray when you smile
I work hard when you smile
I'm full of joy when you smile
I thank God when you smile.......look what your smile can do for me!!!

Smiles on Audrey's face make me & my wife feel happy, there is nothing in this world to compare. Your papi & mami don't have anything to give beside love. Love is the only thing we have to pay your smiles. Your naif smile is always our best moment. We cried when those smiles gone, we cry when the ilness take the smiles away, we want your smiles last forever. Sometimes I catch your smiles through the camera, believe me the pictures of your smiles will remind us how precious you are. Believe me I'll do anything to keep the smiles on your face.



Wah senengnya punya anak secute audrey...jangan sampai senyum itu hilang dari wajahnya...

Haris said...

Wah, senyumnya membuat tambah semangat ya mas... membuat pingin cepet pulang ke rumah.

Prihandoko said...

Iya mbak Eeda dan Mas Erik, kenyataan hidup di luar sana dimana ditemukan banyak sekali kisah memilukan dalam hubungan anak dan orang tuanya membuat kita tersadar bahwa mendidik anak memerlukan totalitas..sesuatu yang sangat pantas untuk diberikan kepada anak agar senyum itu tetaplah disana..diwajah anak kita

Anca Dionisie said...

Great smile, wonderful words...PRETTY ANGEL...:)

Prihandoko said...

Hi are you?
Thanks for stopping by...thanks for your compliment

Miss G said...

Nothing in the world is more precious than a child's smile (^_^) Beautiful smile Audrey!

OnikChan said...

bagi orang tua, memang ngga ada yg paling membahagiakan selain melihat senyum bahagia anak2nya :)

Prihandoko said...

Keep smiling Mbak Onik

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