Friday, April 17, 2009

Recent Moments

it’s been more than 2 weeks since my last entry, I just lost my appetite for writing for some reason. Until today, I’d like to catch up some moments that just happened recently.

On April 4th, my father’s 72nd birthday

IMG_2819 Selamat ulang tahun Pak, semoga Bapak senantiasa diberkati dan dilindungi oleh berkat Tuhan. Semoga Bapak senantiasa sehat dan diberi kesembuhan atas sakit-sakit yang bapak derita. Semoga Bapak dapat terus membimbing putera dan puterimu dalam menjalankan salib kehidupan kami. Maafkan anakmu ini karena belum bisa memberikan bapak andil dalam ketentraman lahir dan bathin yang kurasa harusnya sudah bapak rasakan saat ini.. Kami mencintai Bapak.

On April 9th, Election day

the world has noted another democratic election in this country. I must congratulate Democratic Party who won on this race base on the result of quick count from some surveys. We will see the official result in a moment. 

Here are some pictures of the election on my place:

 IMG_2794 IMG_2797  IMG_2801 IMG_2803 IMG_2805 IMG_2808IMG_2800

April 12th, Happy Easter everybody

It’s time for me to seek for the meaning of salvation, day by day I look  for it  in my daily life. Sometimes I found some meanings of that word:

  • my office is supposed to be the place for me to receive blesses and loves from God, then when I come home I should give all of it to my family; then I know that God loves my family. But it will not stop at my house, I must deliver God’s blesses and loves to the others. Then I know that salvation is not just about forgiveness for mistakes and sin I did, but salvation will be complete if I send blesses and loves to the other.
  • when I interact with somebody else, I found that God also wants to deliver His salvation to me through somebody else. So it’s time for me to love everybody.
  • Every little paradise I had will always remain me to be happy all the time, even when God wants me to have a little of his pain. May be the salvation will be delivered to me in His own way, not my way.
  • The smiles from my kid and my wife may become a salvation for me.

Those days remind me to thank this life which has giving me a chance for having the taste….even when I don’t write and update this blog, I know that I still alive and still have the spirits to taste another moments.


Unknown said...

selamat ultah buat bapak ya..72 th wah...beda 2thn si sama bapakku thn ini 70thn loh..

selamat mencontreng dan selamat paskah, Gbu..

Erik174922 said...

Happy birthday...

Dilasari Hidayat said...

Selamat ulang tahun untuk Bapak...semoga sehat selalu...

hendy hendarto said...

happy birthday for your father.... hope God will give him happiness....

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