Monday, December 21, 2009

Queuing For The Bless

I don’t like queuing…. who does? If you want to buy a ticket for a concert of your favorite band, probably you must queuing with so many other fans. You’ll stand and queuing for hours, but you won’t complain at all. But when you want to pay the electricity bill, and you must queuing for some time, may be you’ll get suffer and you’ll have so many complains in your head then suddenly your face will turn into a cold pale face wondering when it’ll end.

Now take a look at hundreds of children queuing right in the middle of the church heading to a Pastor who’ll give his bless for them just before a mass is over. Just look how those naïf faces walk with praying hands. They are so anxious to have a cross mark on their forehead and ready to say amen after the bless.

Audrey always loves this moment, she really enjoys walking to the altar along with other children.

I believe there is something that we can take from that scene, for me; I feel a true happiness raise from the kids in expecting the bless. There are no sadness among the children. There are no fear for having the bless. There are no worries among them…..and that is all the grown up need in facing the bless from above…what a great lesson from the kids!!

We just need to be patient………………..just queuing in line, will you?

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