Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Award From linda

Finally I can do the homework from Linda,  it’s about linking the other blogger to make some kind of a network, so every blogger will have at least 7 down-line…(sorry Linda, it’s just my assumption)

award koch

Here are the rules:

    1. Put the logo on your blog
    2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
    3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
    4. Add links to those blogs on yours
    5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blog

I’ll give this award to my 7 others friend:

  1. Arif Tjahyadi , my classmate
  2. Chairul Ridjal , my junior high classmate
  3. Niar , wishing you the best in Jakarta
  4. Eeda , where are you know?
  5. Obing , you’re inspiring me with your hobby
  6. Embun , a lady who smile most of the time (at least that what’s shown in your photo)
  7. Yoyo , my dear blogger buddy

Enjoy the award guys.


Unknown said...


makasih udh diambil awardnya, semoga tetep semangadd utk ngeblog!!

Niar said...

thank you for the tagged....
I am so sorry for have been a long time cannot visit your blog...
keep writing and keep passion of your blog


congrat bro...

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