(Cerpen) Revolusi Gas Melon
I. Tahun 2025: Dunia telah berubah.Kota-kota yang dulu gemerlap kini sunyi.
Tidak ada suara klakson, tidak ada obrolan di warung kopi, tidak ada tawa
di ta...
Show of force in the game of thrones
Is the world now heading to a good direction? This is a big question that
we need to realize together. I am not an analyst who is an expert in the
Panning Techniques Tips on in Photography
*Panning Techniques Tips on in Photography*
Panning technique in In Fotografi- Panning In Photography can represent or
show a movement, feel the movement ...
Be happy and Enjoy life
Everyone says, "How the time flies." The days go by and they are years, and
the years finally become our whole life. Each daily portion can be wasted,
or i...
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